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Book of Remembrance 2024/5785

Remember your loved ones in our Book of Remembrance this coming Yom Kippur.

For those who submitted names last year, please check the box below if you approve of the list that was mailed to your home. If you wish to make changes, please do so in the "Comments" box below.

Please list spouses' and partners' names on the same line.

You may pay with your checking account or by credit card. If you are paying by credit card, please consider increasing your donation by 3%, to cover credit card fees, by indicating "YES" at the bottom of the form. Thank you.

For those who are submitting a name(s) for the first time, please indicate the name(s) of your loved one(s) and your name(s) in the "Comments" box below, as you would like them to appear in the Book of Remembrance. Please list spouses' and partners' names together.

Account Details

Enter your name and e-mail address for your confirmation

Payment Information

For added Security please check the box below.
